Maritime Labour Convention MLC – 2006 Amendments of 2022 enter into force by December 2024.
The Maritime Labour Convention is an international treaty protecting seafarers' rights and has been ratified by more than 100 countries which represent over 90% of the world's fleet.
The new amendments are based on the lessons learned during the pandemic (COVID 19) when many seafarers witness prolonged periods of isolation against the backdrop of crew change crisis.
The agreed amendments will be implemented by the flag states. ISM Managers should seek guidance and relevant information from the flag state(s), update existing SMS & MLC procedures & implement the amendments on their ships.
The amendments aim to ensure that:
- Seafarers are informed of their rights regarding the obligation of recruitment and placement services to compensate seafarers for any monetary loss.
- Obligations regarding repatriation of abandoned seafarers has been strengthened. Port States, flag States and labour-supplying countries shall cooperate to ensure repatriation of abandoned seafarers in their territory, or on a ship flying their flag.
- Shipowners to provide seafarers with appropriate recreational facilities, amenities, and services, including social connectivity. Charges, if any, shall be reasonable in amount.
- States should, so far as is reasonably practicable, provide internet access in their ports & associated anchorages. Charges, if any, shall be reasonable in amount.
- Free drinking water & food to be provided to the seafarers, having regard to the number of seafarers on board, their religious requirements, and cultural practices as they pertain to food, and the duration and nature of the voyage. Food shall be suitable in respect of quantity, nutritional value, quality, and variety.
- States shall provide medical care to seafarers in need of immediate assistance and, when required, facilitate the speedy repatriation of the deceased.
- Supply of appropriately sized personal protective equipment has been made explicitly required.
- Deaths of seafarers on board ships shall be reported, on an annual basis, to the Director-General of the ILO for publishing in a global register.
- The evidence of financial security related to abandonment, has been modified. It shall now state the “shipowner” or the “registered owner” if different from the shipowner.