Accident and Incident investigation
Any accident or incident on board, whatever in nature, is every seafarer’s nightmare and even more so for the owners. Exploring the root cause of an accident or incident is one of the most focused upon theme within ongoing research aimed towards enhancing maritime safety.
Hawk Marine Inspection and Consultancy can offer clients to conduct an investigation either physically or remotely for any incident/accident.
The incident/accident will be thoroughly investigated to identify the breaches, root cause, corrective and preventive measures required to prevent recurrence.
The investigation will be based on (as applicable) review of VDR, CCTV footage, present equipment maintenance intervals, crew familiarization and awareness, interviewing relevant ship staff, etc.
A complete report will be provided without any bias or prejudice within the stipulated time frame as agreed with the client.
Hawk Marine Inspection and Consultancy also reviews client’s already prepared incident investigation report for an unbiased opinion for enhancement of procedures, safety barriers, etc.