TMSA Preparation
The Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (TMSA) program provides companies with a means to improve and measure their own safety management systems.
The program encourages companies to assess their safety management systems (SMS) against key performance indicators (KPIs) and provides the minimum standard expected (level 1) plus three levels of increasing standards or performance. The self-assessment results can be used by operators to develop phased improvement plans that support continuous improvement of their ship management systems. Companies are encouraged to regularly review their self-assessment results and develop plans for improvement. Aligning policies and procedures with industry best practice helps companies to improve and attain increasingly higher standards of safety and pollution prevention management.
The company can provide expert guidance to our clients to align themselves with the TMSA program as well as reviewing their TMSA rating and recommend required improvement.
The Company can also provide real-time assistance during actual audits by actual physical presence as well as remote means.